Ibrahim Miranda Ramos


Ibrahim Miranda (b. 1969) is a Cuban artist who has gained international attention for his prints and paintings. A native of Pinar del Rio, he attended the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana; shortly after graduation he began to exhibit in Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, Spain and the United States. Miranda is a master of woodblock and was very influential in the resurgence and revitalization of Cuban printmaking in the 1990s.


October 10, 2022
March 24, 2023

Collectors Series

Marcus Kenney

Sheila Goloborotko

Betsy Cain

Susan Hable

Hiromi Moneyhun

Rotating series of works from Florida Mining artists. Shown here: Works by Elise Thompson, Ashley Woodson Bailey, and Marcus Kenney, at Fashion Group International event featuring Miami designers QueenJeaneen and Yesdnilco.